Police seize illegal motorbike in Bridlington after rider falls off machine in front of officers

Humberside Police seized an illegal motorbike in Bridlington on June 27. Photo: Humberside Police.Humberside Police seized an illegal motorbike in Bridlington on June 27. Photo: Humberside Police.
Humberside Police seized an illegal motorbike in Bridlington on June 27. Photo: Humberside Police.
Humberside Police officers seize illegal bike in Bridlington following a collision in ‘hotspot’ yesterday evening (June 27).

Whilst Neighbourhood officers were out patrolling ‘hotspot areas’ yesterday evening, the rider of an illegal motorbike fell off his machine in front of officers.

He collided with the rear of another illegal bike he was seemingly in convoy with.

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Soon after, the male was on his feet and running. On this occasion he was too quick for the Humberside Police officers, however, his motorbike was seized under Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.A Humberside Police spokesperson said via Facebook: “We will always try and stop these nuisance and illegal bikes. They are annoying and above all, they are dangerous.

" Please continue to provide us with information regarding any criminality."

Those who would like to provide Humberside Police with information can call 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.