Whitby RNLI Museum curator awarded British Empire Medal in King's Birthday Honours

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Curator of Whitby RNLI Lifeboat Museum, Neil Williamson, has been awarded the BEM (British Empire Medal) in the King’s Birthday Honours for his work at the museum.

After previous curator Pete Thomson retired in 2019, Neil took over as volunteer curator and was integral in the renovation of the museum, dedicating many hours to archiving and displaying many of the artefacts amassed over the years.

He was also instrumental in the restoration of the old rowing lifeboat, Robert and Ellen Robson, which is a centrepiece of the museum.

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Neil and a team of volunteers spent many hours meticulously restoring the old lifeboat.

Neil Williamson has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the King's Birthday Honours, for his work at Whitby RNLI Museum.Neil Williamson has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the King's Birthday Honours, for his work at Whitby RNLI Museum.
Neil Williamson has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the King's Birthday Honours, for his work at Whitby RNLI Museum.

Whitby RNLI Station Manager Barry Brown said: "Neil has given many hours to ensure that the character of the museum created by Pete Thomson, has remained, while bringing it up to date for visitors to enjoy and learn about Whitby's life saving past.

“Myself and all of the crew at Whitby would like to congratulate Neil on this well-deserved award.”

Neil was a crew member at Whitby RNLI between 1976 and 1984 and now gives up his time to volunteer as a Launch Authority for the lifeboat station, which involves being on call to authorise the launch of the lifeboats during a shout.

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Neil said: ‘It is a great honour to receive this award, but it is the dedication and commitment of all the volunteers within the RNLI that inspires me each day.

Without them the museum would not be what it is today, and we wouldn’t be able to continue without those that give up their time day after day.”