Councillors to consider Scarborough town centre street drinking ban after ‘majority’ of residents support plan

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Scarborough councillors will discuss plans for a three-year ban on town centre street drinking after a majority of residents said they backed the idea.

North Yorkshire Council is set to try to curb anti-social behaviour in Scarborough town centre with a new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).

The PSPO seeks to tackle behaviour associated with alcohol consumption and urination and defecation in public spaces.

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Failure to comply with the rules could lead to a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice or a fine of up to £500 upon conviction by a Magistrates’ Court, according to the plans.

Proposed street alcohol prohibition zone, Scarborough town centre. picture: North Yorkshire Council.Proposed street alcohol prohibition zone, Scarborough town centre. picture: North Yorkshire Council.
Proposed street alcohol prohibition zone, Scarborough town centre. picture: North Yorkshire Council.

Councillors on the Scarborough and Whitby area constituency committee will discuss the proposals at a meeting on Friday, June 7.

The PSPO would not apply to the consumption of alcohol on licensed premises.

A majority of Scarborough residents said there was a problem with alcohol-related antisocial behaviour in the town and that they wanted the council to take action, according to a survey that received 438 responses.

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More than 90 per cent of respondents said people should not be allowed to drink alcohol in the street.

Four out of five residents also said there was a problem with public urination and defecation in Scarborough, and 96 per cent said they supported a ban.

If approved, two different “enforcement zones” would be created with different restrictions.

  • A smaller street drinking prohibition zone would have a total ban on the consumption of alcohol (map outlined in red)
  • A wider zone would only prohibit the consumption of alcohol in “a manner that causes or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress” (map outlined in blue)

Meanwhile, the ban on urination and defection would apply to both areas and could lead to fines of up to £1,000.

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North Yorkshire Police has dealt with more than 1,000 incidents of anti-social behaviour linked to alcohol in central Scarborough over the past three years.

However, a majority of respondents said they were concerned that a ban on consuming alcohol in the street in the town centre would displace the issue to other areas of Scarborough if there was not a total ban.

But the council has said that it is hoping to target ‘hotspot’ zones in the town centre to create “a safer and more welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike”.

It added that if the current issues were displaced to other areas then “further action may be considered” when the ban is reviewed.

At the meeting on Friday, councillors will provide comments and feedback on the proposed PSPO for Scarborough town centre.