Quidditch team to hold try-outs in Leeds

It's a sport played by wizards - but Muggles can try their hand at Quidditch in Leeds.

A brand-new league based on the game, which features in the Harry Potter books, is recruiting players in the city.

A franchise known as the Yorkshire Roses will compete against other teams from across the UK as part of the Quidditch Premier League.

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Quidditch is the main sport played at Hogwarts School by pupils including Harry, who is a Seeker for his house, Gryffindor.

Trials will be held at Woodhouse Moor on Sunday February 5 from 2-4pm. No experience is necessary.

The sport is one of the fastest-growing in the UK, and is played in mixed teams with players running around on broomsticks.

Eight teams will play in the league's first season. Quidditch now has 20,000 international players from 25 countries, and it has been named as the world's most inclusive sport for its gender balance.

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Squads of 21 will enter, with seven players allowed on the pitch at once. Yorkshire Roses will be managed by Peggy Cook, from Sheffield.

Other regions represented are London, the south-west. the south-east, East Anglia, the north, and the East and West Midlands.

League director Jack Lennard said: