Hackness and Scarborough Tennis Club Ladies A team battle for 5-4 success at Filey

Hackness and Scarborough Tennis Club Ladies B team lost 6-3 at home to the Driffield LTC B team.Hackness and Scarborough Tennis Club Ladies B team lost 6-3 at home to the Driffield LTC B team.
Hackness and Scarborough Tennis Club Ladies B team lost 6-3 at home to the Driffield LTC B team.
The weather once again intervened and postponed both Mixed matches in the Driffield and District Tennis League for the Hackness and Scarborough Tennis Club teams.

However the following night both Ladies teams were in action with mixed results.

The Ladies A team were away at Filey in Division Three and managed an excellent 5-4 win.

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The pick of the visiting pairs were Judy Milburn and Michelle Harrison who won all three rubbers to set up the victory.

The Hackness & Scarborough Mixed D team.The Hackness & Scarborough Mixed D team.
The Hackness & Scarborough Mixed D team.

They were well supported by Sue Kendall and Julie Boddy and Hazel Cross with Sue Crocker who won one rubber each. A very good result on the night.

The Ladies B team were at home to Driffield LTC B also in Division Three.

They lost by three rubbers to six in a competitive match.

Hannah Longman partnered Anne Schmuck and took a fine two rubbers just missing out on the third.

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Gail Kerr with Jen Fell took one rubber but lost a second on a tie-break.

June Stephenson and Clare Neville fought valiantly all evening for no gain.

The Men’s teams had a miserable night with all three that played losing out although two of the teams had very close matches.

The Men’s A team travelled to Brandesburton in Division One and were the wrong side in a four rubbers to five scoreline.

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Lleyton Scott with Rob Berry took two rubbers and nearly won it for the visitors but just missed out on a third.

Roger Amstell with Tom Hunt took one rubber and lost the second on a tie break which would have won the match. Jim Mellor with PJ Guthrie also had to settle for the one rubber.

The Men’s B team had an equally frustrating evening also losing out 5-4 at home to Cherry Burton B in Division Two.

Father and son Martin and Fabian Glassett were at there best taking two excellent rubbers. They were in a commanding position to take the third to win the match but lost this in another very tight tie-break.

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Jonathan Bramley with Paul Zac and Bryan Edwards and Mark White made good contributions with a rubber apiece but not quite enough to secure the match.

The Men’s C team postponed their match to add to the list to be played in August.

The Men’s D team were also at Hackness at home to Sledmere C in Division Five.

The match was marred by the fall and subsequent injury to one of the Hackness and Scarborough players David Stephenson in the first round of matches and had to be taken home by his partner Steve Bottomley also recently returned from injury himself.

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With the loss of these three rubbers the match was never in doubt with a 7-2 win to the visitors who had turned up with a strong and lively team.

There was some light at the end of the tunnel with Peter Lee and Joe Bolland taking two rubbers for the home team.

Two young players also making their mark were Leo Gruca and Toby Bramley, the third pair who battled hard all night but failed to add to the hosts’ score.

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